Proceeding Info
Proceeding Book
Abstracts and full papers are subjected to a stringent peer review process, ensuring both anonymity and double-blinding. Only submissions that meet the established standards are selected for inclusion in the conference proceedings. These proceedings are published as part of the Springer Book Series: Springer Series in Design and Innovation (SSID:, which is indexed in Scopus.
The proceedings aim to encompass a broad spectrum of theories and applications within human factors and ergonomics (HFE). This multidisciplinary field is dedicated to understanding the interactions between humans and various systems, products, environments, and technologies. The volume will cover a diverse range of scientific areas, including engineering, design, human biology, and psychology. It will explore the application of human factors and ergonomics across various domains such as healthcare, medicine, transportation, aviation, automotive, construction, mining, manufacturing, agricultural engineering, education, and sustainable development.
The proceedings book is scheduled for release on December 1, 2024. Following this date, authors will have access to download all abstracts and full papers included in the proceedings.
Special Issue (Journal) Publication
Full paper manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings published in the Springer Series in Design and Innovation (SSID). Additionally, selected full papers may be considered for special issues in prestigious journals such as Applied Ergonomics, Human Factors, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, and WORK, listed alphabetically.
The editorial in chief and/or board members of these journals will review and select manuscripts for publication. Authors will receive notification from the editorial board members if their full paper is selected for publication.
Special Issues List: